Tuesday, March 13, 2012

1st Lesson

Introduce myself, using the following questions:
l   What is my name?
l   What is my phone number?
l   Where am I from?
After I have provided the required information, use the above questions to introduce the Assistant Teacher and also a student in class.

With class, recite the numbers 1-20, and also introduce the symbols “+” and “-“.
        Write A and B on the board, representing the two halves of class.  Teams compete by answering addition and subtraction questions.

Read pg. 3 from “Side by Side” (hereafter referred to as SBS).  Do pg. 4 together.

Play “Teacher Says” (Simon Says) with class, using basic commands such as “stand up,” “sit down,” etc.

Teacher writes 10 partially completed sentences on the board, like the following:
l   My name is ______.
l   My phone number is ______.
l   I am from _______.
l   I am ______.

While students are doing this, pass a blank seating chart around the room.  Many students will not know their own names, and you can either give them a name right then or wait until after class if time is pressing.

Play “Do you like your neighbor?”  Pick one student to stand up.  Ask him/her what their name is.  This student, in turn, asks two other students their names.  The two other students switch chairs on the count of “1,2,3.”  Record the winner on the board.  Do this four times until you have something like:
And then you can add a “semifinal round” where you find two winners from the above four.  Then a “final round” determining the class winner.

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