Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Written Test for First Unit

Written Test for First Unit

English Conversation Class – 2nd Test, 1st Semester
Dong Hai Middle School – Teacher Adam
November 21-27, 2007
Student’s English Name 英文姓名_______ Chinese Name 中文姓名______ No. 坐號______

A.    Listen to the teacher read the story.  Answer the questions below.
聽老師說故事, 並回答下列問題.
1.      What is his/her name?
a. Spider-man    b. Superman    c. Studentman
2.      What is his/her phone number?
a. 352-142    b. 352-123    c. 352-124
3.      Where is he/she from?
a. China    b. Taiwan    c. Chiang Kai-Shek
4.      How many CATS does he/she have?
a. two    b. four    c. three
5.      What COLOR are the dogs?
a. red    b. yes    c. black    d. green    e. brown
6.      What does he/she speak _________?
a. Japanese and Russian    b. Chinese and Taiwanese    c. Japanese and Chinese
7.      Where is the BUTTERFLY?
a. in the house    b. in the kitchen    c. in the yard    d. in the Wii
8.      Where does he/she live?
a. next to the school    b. next to the classroom    c. in the school
9.      What is he/she STUDYING?
a. Superman    b. Chinese    c. Japanese
10.  What are the CATS doing?
a. sleeping    b. running    c. playing Wii    d. cooking food

B.     Tell me where the following things are. 告訴我下列東西在哪裡.

25.  Where are you?
a. in class    b. b. on the ceiling    c. in Taipei
25.  Where is the blackboard?
                a. on the clock    b. on the wall    c. under the chair
        13. Where is the desk?
                a. in the chair    b. on the podium    c. on the floor
        14. Where is the computer room?
                a. in the school    b. in the bathroom    c. Taipei
        15. Where is the clock?
                a. in the bathroom    b. in the class    c. Good morning!
        16. Where is Taidong?
                a. in Taipei    b. in the house    c. in Taiwan
        17. Where is the teacher?
                a. Good morning!    b. in the USA    c. in class
        18. Where is the 7-11?
                a. in Taidong/Taitung    b. in my pencil case     c. in the bathroom

C.     What are they doing?他們正在什麼?
Teacher pantomimes actions.

        19. a. jumping    b. spinning    c. eating dinner
        20. a. dancing    b. turning    c. studying English
        21. a. running    b. jumping    c. cooking
        22. a. swimming    b. going    c. reading
        23. a. walking    b. running     c. thinking
        24. a. playing PS2    b. going poo-poo    c. thinking about girls
        25. a. singing KTV    b. watching TV    c. studying Chinese

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