Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Class Rules

I have few rules in class.  I would tend to reduce my expectations of behavior to three points:

1.      When the teacher is talking, you are listening.

2.      When it is time to practice English, we don’t speak Chinese.

3.      We treat one another with kindness and respect.

Beyond these two points I am not especially strict.  If they are making me mad I make them stand up for a while, until I see them paying attention again.  If that doesn’t work I make them stand up in the back.  If that doesn’t work I take them, personally, to either the school Discipline Office of their homeroom teacher.  You will certainly have at least one “nightmare class” that makes this last option a necessity.

If I were you, I wouldn’t’ expect much from the teacher assisting you.  This is not because they are inherently lazy, but because they often view you as an “authority” on such matters, and they don’t want to step on your toes.  If you feel that this teacher could be assisting you more, it is always best to have a talk with them about it.

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